Kadıköy, İstanbul, Türkiye+90 (216) 577 52 96info@ankaanalitik.com.tr



Measurement temperatures for sorption experiments from 82 K to 323 K.

The CryoTune series develops new applications for gas sorption measurements. It ensures that virtually all volumetric sorption devices, regardless of new or older production dates, follow ISO 9277/1 / for BET measurements and IUPAC recommendation / 2 / for micropore characterization. Both publications explain that, unlike the nitrogen molecule, noble gases do not have quadrupole moments and spherical symmetry. Therefore, the adsorption of noble gas atoms is achieved by a pure van-der-Waals interaction and the atoms do not have different orientations on the adsorbent surface.
The CryoTune series requires only liquid nitrogen for cooling and can provide a temperature range of 82 to 323 K. With CryoTune 87, eg. At Ar 87 K or Kr 120 K, it gives significantly accurate results in measurements to identify some special surfaces. CryoTune also allows sorption of various other measuring gases at their boiling points or other optional temperatures. Thanks to this unique flexibility, methane, ethane, propane, n-butane, oxygen, carbon dioxide, SF6 etc. Pure gas isotherms can be measured and thermodynamic calculations can be made at different temperatures.


Although CryoTune can work independently without a computer, it is delivered with software that can display and record real-time temperature. The CryoTune series consists of three versions that can be purchased individually or in bundles:

CryoTune 87 is connected to a measuring station of your sorption device. If you have a multi-station device in use, it is possible to connect several cryoTunes. The temperature range covers 82 - 135 K, making the cryoTune 87 the standard choice for measurements of Ar 87 K for surface and pore analysis recommended in ISO 9277 and 2015 IUPAC recommendation.

The CryoTune 195 is the cryoTune version for isotherm measurements in the 180 - 323 K range. This allows measurements of CO2 in particular, as well as at boiling temperatures of other adsorptives such as ethane or propane. You do not need a cooling thermostat, a dry ice cooling mix, or an additional double-walled Dewar for such measurements. Among others, the cryoTune 195 provides the following CO2 measurement possibilities:

CO2 adsorption at 273 K
CO2 adsorption up to a pressure of approx. p / p0 = 0.5 at 195 K. (All micropore filling can be detected, including the BET range. For example, N2 at 77 K is not applicable for ultramicropores.)
Measurement of isotherm sets at different temperatures for thermodynamic evaluations, e.g. Around 273 K or 195 K or over the entire temperature range
CryoTune 120 allows long-term measurements to be made. It can be used especially for long measurements lasting up to 115 K (the boiling temperature of crypto), 165 K (the boiling temperature of xenon) and 230 K. In combination with the CryoTune 87 and 120 it allows boiling temperature access of 3 noble gases: Argon 87 K, Krypton 120 K and Xenon 165 K, it can also make numerous other measurements along with Ar, O2, methane, ethane or propane.






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